These privacy policies have been prepared by the Tire Search and Rescue and Education Association to determine the responsibilities of regarding privacy. The following items contain the rules for the collection and distribution of information on the website.

We will use your IP address to troubleshoot our servers and administer our website. Your IP address will be used to identify you and your shopping cart and to collect your clear demographic information.

Tire Search and Rescue and Education Association does not control or censor the information that its users send or publish through its own services. Users are responsible for the legal consequences of their activities while using services.

In the registration form of our site's customer database, our users must specify all requested information such as contact information (name, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc.). We use the contact information we receive in this form for the transactions of our users, in the domain name information, in emergencies and in the delivery of your invoice.

Our users can delete their records from our system depending on their wishes. The financial information received will be used in collecting the price of the purchased products and services and in other necessary situations. Personal information will be used to log in to the system of our users and to verify the identity of the person when necessary. Statistical information and profile information are also collected on our site. This information can be used in any desired situation. This information will be used in monitoring visitor movements and providing personalized content.

Our website also has links to other web sites. Our website is not responsible for the privacy policies and contents of other sites.

Privacy Policy

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, before or after the signing date of this Agreement, in writing and/or verbally by each Party itself or on behalf of the relevant Party's employees to the other Party and/or the other Party's employees, for the purpose of implementing the agreement. and/or disclosed in the internet and/or soft media and/or acquired by the other Party, the other Party's employees; Related Party's customer information, shopping information, sales information, service information, product information, payment information, account information, bank information, financial models, simulations, personnel information, work and service information, pricing information, operating methods, ideas, inventions , know-hows, brands, logos, patents, software, source codes, intellectual and industrial property rights, design rights, trade secrets, technical processes, formulas, plans, designs, licenses and permits, drawings, drawings, models, projections, business plans ALL INFORMATION that the Parties disclose to each other through any means and/or that one Party has obtained about the other Party, including market opportunities, reports or data prepared by the relevant Party or a third party on its behalf; correspondence, negotiations or meetings and correspondence between the Parties, and verbal exchange ALL INFORMATION received; All service analysis, compilation, study, proposal and other documents prepared by both parties; All commercial agreements or agreements between parties, agreements involving the exchange of confidential information; and all kinds of information and/or documents, but not limited to those listed.

The parties have unconditionally accepted that they have declared and disclosed all necessary confidential information to each other with their free will and acceptance, following the conclusion of this contract.

Both sides;

Each of the parties strictly refuses to keep all information private and confidential, not to use it for any reason, not to use or allow the use of Confidential Information for any reason, directly or indirectly, for itself or any 3rd real and / or legal persons and organizations. Not to disclose, report, publish or disclose Confidential Information to any 3rd natural and/or legal person, firm, agency or institution, take all necessary measures in this regard, copy or reproduce any part of Confidential Information or otherwise .not to transfer/give original/reproduced versions to real and/or legal persons and organizations, 3. Not to disclose confidential information partially or completely to real and/or legal persons and organizations. to notify its employees and managers and to provide its employees under their commitment and They are also directly responsible in accordance with this confidentiality agreement and warn themselves about this matter, to apply the security measures and care applied to the Confidential Information of the Other Party, at least to their own confidential information and intellectual property information, ABOUT THE PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND PERSONAL DATA, They undertake irrevocably and unconditionally that they will be fully and completely bound by and comply with all the matters and responsibilities stated, otherwise the relevant defective party will be responsible for any damages that may occur and/or may occur.

The Company accepts and undertakes to show the same care in protecting the confidential information of the Customer as it does in protecting these confidential information. The company also warns its workers and sub-employees about the confidentiality of information.

Personal Data Protection Law

1. Limitation by purpose and instructions

Within the scope of the contract, the parties may be in the position of "data controller" or "data processor" depending on the processes. In cases where one of the parties processes Personal Data on behalf of the other party, the relevant party will be considered as a "data processor" within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("Law"). In this case, the said party is obliged to process the Personal Data exclusively in accordance with the instructions of the other party, and cannot perform any data processing activities outside the instructions and / or on its own behalf.

The data controller and the party that processes the data and/or transfers the Personal Data to a third party undertakes that the necessary explicit and informed consent has been obtained from the relevant data owners within the scope of the Law, and that the necessary information has been provided to the relevant data owners within the scope of Article 10 of the Law.

Personal Data may be processed by the party to which the data is transferred, exclusively for the purpose of transferring the data to itself. Any processing of Personal Data beyond the aforementioned scope is subject to the written consent of the party transferring the data.

In the event that third party services are used for the storage and processing of Personal Data and the transfer of Personal Data domestically or internationally is in question, necessary contracts will be concluded with the relevant third parties in order to ensure compliance with the Law and other applicable legislation, in line with the approval of the transferor of the Personal Data.

Personal Data transferred during the contract period will be deleted or destroyed in accordance with the relevant legislation upon the termination of the service relationship between the parties, unless a separate legal/contractual relationship is established with the relevant data owner. In the event that each of the parties has a legal obligation to keep the Personal Data, the party that is obliged to store the Personal Data may keep the Personal Data for a limited time and purpose within the scope of the relevant legislation.

2.Data security

The parties are obliged to take the measures stipulated in the legislation in order to prevent the unauthorized access, processing and use of Personal Data other than the purpose of transferring Personal Data, both by their own personnel and by third parties. In this framework, each party declares, accepts and undertakes that it will fully and completely fulfill all obligations stipulated by the Law, relevant legislation and the Personal Data Protection Board, otherwise it will be responsible for all damages that may occur and/or may occur.

Any dispute that may arise in this regard will try to be resolved by negotiation between the parties; if this is not possible, Istanbul Çağlayan Courts and Enforcement Offices will be exclusively authorized. This Supplementary Agreement is subject to Turkish law.

Responsible for the secure transfer of Personal Data to a third party in accordance with the provision 1.1 of this Agreement.

3. Implementation of legislative changes

In the event that a change is required in the processes of the parties regarding the processing of Personal Data due to any change or update that may occur within the scope of the aforementioned regulations, the relevant party is obliged to complete the said change at the latest before the relevant new / updated regulation enters into force.

In the event that changes in the relevant legislation require the amendment of this Agreement, the parties accept, declare and undertake that they have made reasonable efforts to make such changes as soon as possible. However, the provision of the Contract to be amended will be implemented in accordance with the new/current legislation as of the effective date of the new/current legal regulation, even if no action has been taken by the parties in this regard within the maximum period deemed appropriate in the relevant legislation.